Access your salary when you need it

Stairwage, the leading solution in France, allows you to access part of your earned salary, when you need it, to proactively deal with financial contingencies.

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Stairwage helps you manage your budget with a range of services

- Confidential and secure connection to your bank account to receive personalized alerts to avoid overdraft
- Implementation of personalized plans to manage and reduce the amount of down payments
- Quick and easy access to available public and corporate aid, in all languages
- Personalized, operational, budgetary, economic and social support to restore your budgetary and financial equilibrium thanks to our partnership with Crésus, an association recognized as being of public utility.

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Tracking of your salary available
Access your disposable income whenever you need it, free of charge and without waiting for the end of the month.
Graph of a disposable wage tracker
Immediate access to your salary
Follow the daily evolution of your salary available from the application.
Immediate access to your salary
Educational help to manage your budget better
Benefit from personalised advice to better manage your budget.
Illustration of teaching aids to better manage your budget

Client testimonial

"Accorinvest chose Stairwage, the leader in France, to digitize its advance payments". Read Olga Renda-Blanche's testimonial, Director of Human Resources at Accorinvest.