Improve your employees'
financial well-being

Stairwage, France's leading pay-as-you-go solution, allows employees to receive a portion of their earned salary instantly throughout the month in order to deal with unexpected financial issues.

Discover Stairwage

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+1000 establishments already put their trust in us

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Integration with all payroll and time management software

Salary Streaming

Via the Stairwage application, employees can access their salary already earned during the month, whenever they need it, instantly. In this way, they can deal with unforeseen financial circumstances, avoiding unauthorized overdrafts, bank charges and bank incident fees.

Confirmation of the request for a down paymentMonitoring of available salary and choice of amount
Confirmation of the request for a down payment

Support for better budget management

Stairwage helps employees to better manage their expenses by avoiding bank overdrafts and also by helping them to avoid excessive recourse to advance payments thanks to the proposal of personalized management plans. 

Simplified access to public grants and

Thanks to Chat GPT artificial intelligence, Stairwage gives employees easy access, in any language, to assistance offered by their employer, and to the 10 billion euros of public assistance (such as family allowances, housing benefit, etc.) that goes unclaimed every year due to lack of information or excessive complexity.

Instant receipt on the employee's bank accountInstant receipt on the employee's bank account
Confirmation of the request for a down payment

Customized human support

Thanks to our partnership with Crésus, an association recognized as being of public utility, Stairwage offers financially vulnerable employees of its client companies operational, budgetary, economic and social support with a view to restoring their budgetary and financial equilibrium.

The positive impact of Stairwage

Pictogram Verified

Your social policy towards your employees is strengthened

Smile pictogram

Your company is more attractive and innovative, and your employees are less preoccupied.

Pictogram done

Your down-payment management is digitized, secure and automated, and no longer has an impact on your cash flow.

Accessibility pictogram

Stairwage improves employees' financial well-being

New versions pictogram

By financially de-stressing employees by allowing them to proactively deal with their financial contingencies

Pictogram Euro symbol

Allowing employees to access their earned wages when they need them

Pictogram Pie chart

Helping employees to better manage their budget through its educational module

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Our supporters

More and more people are supporting us

  • France FinTech logoBpi France logo
  • Le Lab logo
  • Logo Ile de FranceAll nomads

Stairwage wins the
"Accor Health to Wealth"
at VivaTech

This award won by Stairwage, the leading solution in France, is an illustration of the collective awareness of more and more large groups, such as ACCOR, that the financial well-being and mental health of their employees is becoming a priority.